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Happy New Years Eve!!!!

I hope that you have a safe and happy new year's celebration!

* As a part of a tradition our family does every New Year I will be shutting off all electronics (except my cell for emergencies) for 21 days. During those days my family will be focusing on reconnecting, prayer, and setting our goals for the New Year. On January 22nd I will resume blogging and my social internet activities. Until then, I hope you have a safe NYE and see you next year!

Christmas Don't Forget List!

Have you ever been wrapping Christmas gifts at 12 midnight; and came to the realization that you had forgotten the batteries for all those wonderful "battery not included" toys that are now so neatly wrapped under the tree? Or ready to snap a pic or record a video only to see that annoying message saying "memory full"?

Yeah, me neither....

Me being the Mary Poppins, "practically perfect in every way" girl that I am, I never encounter such a major faux pas. How do I do it? I'm glad you asked. 

No, it's not a spoonful of sugar or anything remotely  Supercalifragil ..... Well you get the idea!

But it's something very simple that I keep stashed in my Christmas planning folder. 

A LIST!!!!

I know shocking isn't it? Yes people, I use a list. Actually, it's several little lists. I am a firm believer in the power of a list and can be a little cray-cray when it comes to people messing with my lists. So save yourself, don't do it, you've been warned! 


Christmas Don't Forget List

  • Batteries (unless you know for sure which ones all toys and devices take, it's safer to just buy multiple packages in a variety of sizes)
  • camcorder charged with memory available (Please for the love of everything that is sane! Don't forget this!!!)
  • camera charged with memory available (Ditto!)
  • If you can, precook your Christmas Eve and day after Christmas dinners; so that all there is to do is to warm it up and eat
  • Set up some board games or other activities for guests to do while they wait for the food, etc
  • purchase items for Christmas breakfast
  • healthy and some no-so-healthy :) snacks for the eve, day, and day after Christmas
  • Fun crafts and activities for the little ones to do while they wait for the festivities to begin
  • check your closets and trunk for any gifts you might have forgot (I swear I do this every year! And they end up being birthday gifts for them or a friend later on.)
  • wood for the fire and something to light it with if you need it
  • utility scissors for opening those impossible packages
  • screwdrivers for the battery packs
  • there are a lot of toys and electronics that need to be charged for 12 hours or more before the first use – take these out and charge now then put back in the box – makes for a easier stressfree morning
  • some toys and electronics do not work until you have added the software via computer – open and load now so they’re ready to go
  • buy a few little gifts or poinsettia for anyone that pops in to give a gift
  • plan a week of super simple meals (freezer and one pot/crockpot meals are a great option)
Here's a few things to remember to do for Santa, if you participate in this part of the holiday:
  • cookies and a warm glass of milk for Santa
  • carrots for the reindeer :)
  • Another cute idea I came across was to not wrap the gift from him and just put a big bow on it. (Other years we did wrap the gift it was just wrapped in different paper.)
Hope this list helps you as much as it helps me.
Enjoy your holidays!

Holiday Home Tour

A while back I shared with you my finished Christmas tree. You can see that here if you missed it.

Now I'm back to give you a tour of our holiday home. I did two DIY wreaths this year that I'm very pleased with and look forward to doing again.

I kept it minimal this year, since we weren't expecting any guests. The major focus was on the tree.

Without further ado, here's our home.....

Here's another view of the tree

I love how this wreath turned out and I'm very happy I decided to do it.

Love the simplicity of this wreath and that it and it's counterpart aren't permanent so I can change them up each year.

Hope you enjoyed the tour.

Our Christmas Card

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to share our family Christmas card with you all. I created it myself online using Shutterfly which is an online do it yourself photo creation site. I've been using this site for a few years now and I love it!

The quality and variety of the products and the ease of the site keep me coming back. Not to mention you can enter and keep all of the addresses of your family and friends into an address book and you can select which addresses to send and Shutterfly will send them out for you. I love that they have mobile and iPad apps and they are beautifully interfaced.

If you are in the market for something like this I strongly suggest you check them out.



Disclosure: This review was not sponsored in any way by Shutterfly or it's affiliates. I am simply sharing a product that I have tried and like. In hopes someone will find this information useful.

Sinners' Anonymous Trailer (Release Date: DEC. 14 @7PM)

My church's young adult group recently filmed a web series called Sinner's Anonymous. In it you find common issues that face not just young Christians but all Christians. It premires on Dec. 14th @ 7 p.m. If you are in the Northern VA, DC, MD area it will be screened live at Living Epistle COGIC same date and time. I hope you check it out and if you do, look for me in a cameo :)

Turkey Soup

Do you ever run out of ideas for getting rid of that thanksgiving turkey? Well today I'm going to give you one of my favorite go to recipes...

Fried Turkey Soup

I'm calling it fried turkey because that's what we had this year. But in previous years it's just been a regular cooked in the oven/roaster turkey. So the recipe is still the same. I managed to remember to snap a few pics of each step this time. Getting better.....

For starters you will need the following ingredients:

Leftover turkey meat shredded
Turkey legs, wings, and backbone
1 onion, chopped
4 large carrots, coined
2 cartons of turkey stock, substitute with water if you don't have
1 bag noodles of your choosing (I used egg noodles. If you use the egg noodles like me and you love lots of noodles in your soup, I suggest you get 2 bags.)
1 large stock pot or crockpot

1. Place your turkey stock or water in a large crockpot or stockpot along with the turkey legs, wings, and backbone. Bring to a boil and season to taste if necessary.

 2. Once you are satisfied with the taste of your base, then add in the carrots, onions, and the shredded turkey meat and allow to simmer for about 2 hours. If you have a crockpot it will be around for hours.

3. To thicken the soup mix about 1/4c of cornstarch or flour in a bowl with some of the broth of the soup until all lumps are gone. then add to the soup.

4. Based on the cooking times of the noodles you get, add them right when you are about to serve the soup to prevent overcooking.
Here are some more delicious pics

I always make more than my family needs so I end up sharing every year. This year I took what we didn't need to church and they LOVED IT!

Try it out and let me know what you think.

Our Christmas Tree

This year I wanted to do something different from my traditional red, gold, and green tree. I fell in love with one of the White House trees from last year, seen here, and have been wanting to recreate it. I began to look around online to see what else I can use for inspiration and came across this, this and this on Pinterest. After some more browsing around, a quick trip to the store for colorful ornaments, and a sketched mockup; I was ready to decorate our tree.

I started at the bottom with the colored bulbs I had the most of and then just went up the tree
changing the colors as I went.

I wanted to do a ribbon around the tree but I didn't have enough on hand and was not up for another trip to the store. Maybe next year.....

I love how it came out! Don't you?

Sorry for the poor quality on the photos. These were taken from my ipad; because my digi camera was low on battery. Hopefully next year, Santa will get me a better camera. 
Anywho, tell me what you think.

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