On today's Theme Park Week post I will be sharing with you lunch ideas for a picky eater. Although we like to experience the food at the theme park; it can be quite expensive for a family of 4, and mostly not very filling. To solve this dilemma we pack our lunch and a few snacks to supplement our "fun food" purchases.
Which brings in a whole other "issue". My oldest is a super picky eater. He has a short list of foods he likes and getting him to try new foods is an epic battle of wills...
While browsing google and some of my favorite blogs for inspiration I came up with a pretty decent menu with plenty of options. We won't be bringing the food (just the small snacks) into the park. Because we know that the park doesn't allow coolers/lunchboxes.
This gives me a little more packing freedom since I won't have to lug a big cooler around with me when we're in the park.
Here are a few of the ideas I came across to get away from the typical sandwich and still give my family enough nutritious and filling options. Some of them say school lunch but the same rules apply...
For more lunchtime ideas checkout my Pinterest board here
Do you have a picky eater? What ideas have you had success with?
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