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Summer Recap

As the summer here is drwing to a close and our kids go back to school next week. I find myself reminiscing on all the fun we had this summer and I wanted to share it with you. So here's a quick glance in pictures of what we were able to do this summer.

Starting the weekend off right!
Our favorite summer activity. Pool time!!!!
Breakfast this morning with my fellas before we head to the pool. #makingmemories #memorialday #mybabies #mysoldier #myoneandonly #hestillleaveshisplateonthetable #YESifuss
Breakfast before the pool

Love to see these two together...
Sometimes we just hung out and watched movies
In the studio with the Divine Vision Radio fam. #GospelRapRadio #ContemporaryGospel #DClivin #SavednHavingFun #DMV
I recently joined a gospel hip-hop youth radio station Divine Vision Radio. It's been a fun change of pace and I'm having a blast!
Waiting for my hubby. You know you look good when you walk out of the bedroom and your husband asks. Where you going dressed up like that? Side note:loving my summer hair change #summerCut #hewentandchangedhisclothes
I decided to change my hair and get a summer cut. Next year I may do a splash of color.
Didn't bring my hat and sunglasses and earned a nice crispy tan yesterday at the water park.
My niece and nephew visited for about 2 weeks and we were able to take them on our annual waterpark trip

Hope you enjoyed it! I can't wait until next summer. What did you do this summer?

Theme Park Week: Packing Lunch for Picky Eaters

On today's Theme Park Week post I will be sharing with you lunch ideas for a picky eater. Although we like to experience the food at the theme park; it can be quite expensive for a family of 4, and mostly not very filling. To solve this dilemma we pack our lunch and a few snacks to supplement our "fun food" purchases.
Which brings in a whole other "issue". My oldest is a super picky eater. He has a short list of foods he likes and getting him to try new foods is an epic battle of wills...
While browsing google and some of my favorite blogs for inspiration I came up with a pretty decent menu with plenty of options. We won't be bringing the food (just the small snacks) into the park. Because we know that the park doesn't allow coolers/lunchboxes.
This gives me a little more packing freedom since I won't have to lug a big cooler around with me when we're in the park.
Here are a few of the ideas I came across to get away from the typical sandwich and still give my family enough nutritious and filling options. Some of them say school lunch but the same rules apply...
For more lunchtime ideas checkout my Pinterest board here

Do you have a picky eater? What ideas have you had success with?

Theme Park Week

Greetings all!

Hope you had a great weekend. I spent the most of mine recovering from my niece and nephew's two week visit. That was 4 kids under the age of 9 for TWO WHOLE WEEKS! Phew! It was fun but I'm glad im back down to two.
Summer time and theme parks go hand and hand. Not to mention the fact that I am a theme park LOVER. So it's only right I talk about it a bit. This week in honor of our church trip to Six Flags I will be posting some tips for surviving a trip to the theme park with small children.
Today's tips are about planning. Here's a short list of things to remember when planning your trip.

1.Check the weather- 'nouff said

2. Check what time theme park opens/closes and if going to the water park check when that opens too. Most of the time they don't open right when the theme park does. Sometimes it opens up to 30 mins or more after. We made this nistake last year. We got into the park changed into water gear and walked all the way there just to wait an hour and a half in line.

3. Check the height requirements for rides you and your little one plan to ride. Nothing is more nerve-racking at a theme park than a fussy kid disappointed that they can't ride the ride they've been talking about all week.

4. Measure your child! - Now that you know the height requirements, compare that to the list of rides and talk with your little one about what he or she can and cannot ride. Stop by Guest Services and they can measure for you if you want to be sure. Most of the time you can get some type of indicator from them that ride attendants can see and immediately identify your child as a eligible rider.

5. If packing a lunch, check park policies for coolers and lunch bags. Also find out where the designated eating areas are.

6. Have some sort of plan worked out if you get separated and go over them with your child a few days before. Dinner time is a good time to bring it up and reiterate everyday leading up to the big day.

7. Read the park website's FAQ section- it's always a good idea to be armed with that general knowledge.

8. Make a list and pack at least two days before. So you can be sure you have everything you need. Or at least have time to add what you've forgotten.

Hope this helps.

Have any more tips? I'd love to hear from you.

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