Yeah, me neither....
Me being the Mary Poppins, "practically perfect in every way" girl that I am, I never encounter such a major faux pas. How do I do it? I'm glad you asked.
No, it's not a spoonful of sugar or anything remotely Supercalifragil ..... Well you get the idea!
But it's something very simple that I keep stashed in my Christmas planning folder.
A LIST!!!!
I know shocking isn't it? Yes people, I use a list. Actually, it's several little lists. I am a firm believer in the power of a list and can be a little cray-cray when it comes to people messing with my lists. So save yourself, don't do it, you've been warned!
Christmas Don't Forget List
- Batteries (unless you know for sure which ones all toys and devices take, it's safer to just buy multiple packages in a variety of sizes)
- camcorder charged with memory available (Please for the love of everything that is sane! Don't forget this!!!)
- camera charged with memory available (Ditto!)
- If you can, precook your Christmas Eve and day after Christmas dinners; so that all there is to do is to warm it up and eat
- Set up some board games or other activities for guests to do while they wait for the food, etc
- purchase items for Christmas breakfast
- healthy and some no-so-healthy :) snacks for the eve, day, and day after Christmas
- Fun crafts and activities for the little ones to do while they wait for the festivities to begin
- check your closets and trunk for any gifts you might have forgot (I swear I do this every year! And they end up being birthday gifts for them or a friend later on.)
- wood for the fire and something to light it with if you need it
- utility scissors for opening those impossible packages
- screwdrivers for the battery packs
- there are a lot of toys and electronics that need to be charged for 12 hours or more before the first use – take these out and charge now then put back in the box – makes for a easier stressfree morning
- some toys and electronics do not work until you have added the software via computer – open and load now so they’re ready to go
- buy a few little gifts or poinsettia for anyone that pops in to give a gift
- plan a week of super simple meals (freezer and one pot/crockpot meals are a great option)
Here's a few things to remember to do for Santa, if you participate in this part of the holiday:
- cookies and a warm glass of milk for Santa
- carrots for the reindeer :)
- Another cute idea I came across was to not wrap the gift from him and just put a big bow on it. (Other years we did wrap the gift it was just wrapped in different paper.)
Hope this list helps you as much as it helps me.
Enjoy your holidays!
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