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What's in the Bag?

Since my son has been born I haven't really been carrying a "purse" just my wallet and sometimes a small pouch with some essentials. The reason behind this is because I was carrying a baby bag and I wanted to lighten my load. Now that he's almost a year I will be going back to bag lady status very soon. 

With that in mind I've been wanting to revamp my purse essentials to make sure I'm making the most of my purse carrying stuff I need and not just junk. I've created a list of items I feel are important to have. Some of the stuff in here kind of goes without saying (ie; the cellphone) but I included it because it's in my purse so it belongs on the list. This by no means all inclusive nor is it written in stone. Sometimes I opt of of some items depending on where I am going and what I will be doing; as should you. 

So without further ado, here's my list

Camera (I put this first because I want to practice using my digital camera more. I have a camera phone and my iPad; but nothing beats a real camera and I always feel like I miss golden opportunities to take photos with it.)
*Mini sewing kit (I found some in a clear case similar to this in the dollar bins at Target. But if you aren't able to find something like this you can always find a small cute little pouch and make your own kit)
Business/Mommy cards (I carry my "mommy cards" everywhere because you never know when you will meet another mom you want to stay in contact with)
Daily Planner or Calendar (For some of you this has been replaced by either your phone or tablet but for me, I still like to write it down and just be able to glance at it quickly without thumbing through apps etc. I do however, make sure that what's is in my written calendar is on my electronic calendars which allows me to use the reminder option)
Pens or pencils
*Makeup/Cosmetic kit 
Mirror (if you have a makeup kit then this will be redundant)
Hand sanitizer
Gum/tic tacks
Moist wipes 
*Flo kit (menstrual cycle)

You'll notice some items are marked with an asterisk (*). I did this because I wanted to specify the importance of it being a "kit" which means it should be kept in it's own container. Preferably a mini cosmetic bag or pouch in which the items can be kept together or concealed if they fall out. Here's a list of what I keep in my kits
Sewing Kit:
Safety pins
Needle and thread
Mini scissors

Mommy Kit:
Small snack (like goldfish crackers, etc)
Coloring/Activity book
Small toys (1 to 2 depending on how many children you have. But no more than 5)

This is just a small kit with a few items just in case you forget you child's activity bag or for those days when it's just a short trip not worth the extra baggage. Naturally if you have no children, this doesn't apply to you. Some of you may like to keep this in the car which is fine; but for me it doesn't work since I already have a car kit that stays in the car at all times.

Makeup/Cosmetic Kit:
Lip gloss or lipstick
Nail file (Emory board)
Touch up brushes
Bobby pins
Toothbrush and toothpaste (travel size)
Dental floss/picks
Makeup remover wipes

I'm not a big makeup person but I do love to wear lip gloss and I've begun to wear foundation and mascara and love the simple but classic look. So the amount of makeup in my cosmetic kit may be a little small compared to some of yours. 

Flo Kit:
Sanitary pads/tampons or both
Matches (to get rid of bathroom odors lighting the match and blowing it out will mask the odor)
Vaginal wipes (I like the ones from Always. They are individually wrapped and discreet.)

I always keep some form of my "Flo Kit" with me. During my off times I only keep one or two pads/tampons with me. Because you never know if someone you are with or a stranger will need assistance in that area; and it's nice to be able to help.

So there you have it. My purse contents all laid out and explained. I plan to go through it every few weeks to get rid of paper and other non-essentials that may have crept into there.


What's in your bag?


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