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Making Your Very Own Dream Board

Hey Peeps!

Today I wanted to share with you something I have decided to begin working on. I want to make a dream or vision board. I've never done one before but I thought it would be fun and a great motivation. For those of you who aren't familiar with what that is; it's basically a visual aid to help you layout your goals and desires for any area of your life. Some people do it for their careers, others for their physical (weight loss, health) goals. I'm doing mine to encompass my whole life.

Here's my short list of instructions on how to make one....

Supplies Needed:
Corkboard or poster board
Markers and colored pencils
Pictures of yourself
Stickers or scrap board embellishments
Old magazines and newspaper articles
Internet clippings or pictures

Let's Get Started:

1.Begin your process by gathering all of your pictures and clipping/printing them out. This may take a few days so keep them organized in a folder or envelope so you don't lose them. Think about things that represent you or things that you want in your life. Use words, pictures, symbols, anything you want.

2. Once you have gathered all of your dream clippings, it's time to really get started. Begin to organize them on your board. Starting with the center place your big focus here. Ask yourself WHAT DO I WANT? Once you have that nailed down then spread out the rest from there.You can choose to do it randomly or separate into themes or categories (romance, career, lifestyle, etc.)

3. When you are happy with the overall layout of your board, go ahead and grab the glue and make it stick. Use your markers, colored pencils, and other embellishments to make it your own. It can be as plain or as ornate as you want.

4. Now that you have made your board place it somewhere you can easily see it and check it frequently to be sure you are staying focused.

I've been looking online for some ideas and found some really great examples on Pinterest (of course). Here's some that I really liked

I love the affirmation words on this board.

 This is a very neat option if you wanted to use it as apart of you home décor. The frame dresses it up nicely.

 Mine will most likely look like this. I am so all over the scrapbook embellishments and such.

This one is mainly words. So if you aren't into the pictures this is a good option for you.
What is a vision board?    A vision board is a collage of pictures, phrases, words or items that represent you and your goals. Vision boards are for inspiration; think of it as a vision of the future if you will. These goals can be either short-term or long-term. By seeing these images on a daily basis, you will keep the motivation to reach those goals and desires.

Sharing this over at the Link Party Palooza

What’s in the Bag? - Hospital Bag Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “what’s in the bag?” post. So I’m back to share with you another helpful list. In case you missed it, here’s the link to my first post

IVs, non-slip socks, gowns, and hospital food. Just a list of my least favorite things. #lupus #WalterReed #imissmybabies


Recently I had to take a visit to the ER which turned into a hospital stay that ended up lasting a few days. Being that I am a lupus patient I did know to bring at least an overnight bag just in case. But after having to answer SEVERAL phone calls from my husband asking "what was that you wanted?" And "where did you say it was again?" when my stay extended past the one night. I decided that it would be a good idea to also have a long term stay bag. Today I'm gonna let you know what I have put in mine.

At least try to pack for a week and let family rotate the dirty stuff home wash it and bring it back. Also, this is NOT a maternity bag! There are plenty things needed for that occasion that aren't gonna be on this list. However, this can be used as a starting point; and if I get enough interest I may do a post for a maternity hospital bag. I’ve broken the list down to two categories primary items and secondary items. No real explanation needed there. Also, to save space in my house, I store these items in labeled zip lock bags on the top shelf of my closet near my travel/overnight bags so they are easily accessible but out of the way.



3 pajama sets

1 comfy robe

2 comfortable casual outfits

Socks (non-slip bottoms)

Panties (at least 3 pair)

Bras (at least 2)

Panty liners (just for added protection)


Sanitizing wipes


·         toothbrush

·         toothpaste

·         mouthwash

·         shampoo (can be dry or no wash)

·         soap

·         chap stick

·         face wipes      

·         lotion

·         deodorant

·         baby powder

·         hand sanitizer

·         hair tie

·         brush

·         dryer

·         makeup (just the basics foundation, lip gloss, and maybe eyeliner)



Insurance card

Emergency Contact list

Current meds or at least a list documenting them

Comfy blanket and pillow (for spouse)

Medical record overview sheet

Snacks (bottled water, granola, trail mix, etc)

Cellphone and charger

Air freshener or non-flammable scented items, and Febreeze (I like for my room and sheets to smell pretty)

Tablet/laptop and charger

Notepad (for writing important information and jotting down questions for doctors and nurses)

Magazines and books

Puzzles (crossword, Sudoku, etc.)
Hope this helps. Are you dealing with chronic illness that requires lengthy hospital stays? What’s in your bag?



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